In last week’s episode we delved into the topic of how to have a conversation with your body for healing, and I gave you my top 10 tips for how to go about that.
For the most part, this approach gets used to address specific physical conditions or symptoms; however there’s another application I developed some years ago which can be a tremendous support to people who are about to undergo some physically impactful event (or before any physical exertion).
I've used it primarily for clients, pre-surgery, to great effect.
But, even if you're not facing surgery, this is a technique that you can use and apply in many other life situations.
So in this episode I want to share this pre-surgery body dialogue technique with you!
I'm going to:
So hit that play button and let's dive in!
The body is set up to function best with preparation of what's to come. For example, the taste buds determine the makeup of nutrients and food types (protein, fibre etc) and signal the alimentary canal in advance so that the body can set itself up in the best way to deal with what is on its way.
A conversation with the body before surgery or physical exertion allows the body to that chance to prepare; to get things in order and in alignment with what's to come. Also, it's just polite! 😁
Having a quick conversation with your body prior to some activity that may have a physical impact on your body helps it prepare and be 'on-side' during the activity. This can avoid unnecessary injury and/or simply make it easier on the body.
In these cases you can keep it extremely light and conversational; it doesn't necessarily need to be as in-depth as with pre-surgery.
Remember it's about nurturing a positive and inclusive relationship with your body; a conscious connection that allows you to get the best from this amazing vehicle for your life.
Try having a preparatory conversation before...
Make sure you listen to the show for all the details plus 2 case studies:
NOTE: My use of the term "Body Dialogue" in no way relates to Body Dialogue Technique as created by Janice Steiber Rous. However it sounds pretty cool so feel free to check out her website.
If you'd like some expert support as you undergo this process (especially if you're having a hard time with this kind of situation) then reach out and let me help you.
You can check out my session details and even set up a quick chat with me: Get in touch and let's have a chat about some 1:1 sessions with me.
Episode 103 This episode gives you a great foundation on Body Dialogue in general circumstances: LISTEN HERE
Episode 7 This episode links to how our translation of our experience effects our experience of it LISTEN HERE
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