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Your Super Sensitive Self: Curse or Superpower? (with Belinda Noakes) | BABH S2Ep149

season 2 Nov 30, 2022

EPISODE 149: Your Super Sensitive Self: Curse or Superpower? (with Belinda Noakes)

If you’re a super sensitive person then you probably feel that growing up in this world can be brutal.

Perhaps you've even felt like your sensitivity is a curse?

But what if there was a way to turn everything on its head?
What if you could channel that sensitivity in a way that meant it became your superpower?

Well, on today’s episode we’re talking with Belinda Noakes, founder of Tiny Brave where you get to do just that!

In this in-depth conversation you’ll hear:

  • Belinda’s heart-rending story of growing up as a super sensitive human
  • How the death of her sister brought on an internal lock down
  • The moment she had a deep realisation that turned her life around
  • What Belinda discovered about the phenomenon of ‘Heart Lock’ in highly sensitive people
  • What a ‘heart lock map’ is and how you can unlock yours
  • Exactly how your sensitivity can become your superpower
  • And much more

Whether you feel you are a super sensitive person, a highly sensitive person, an empath, an over-giver or simply someone on the awakening path - however you define it, if your sensitivity is causing a challenge in your life right now, there are truly healing insights in this episode.

So get yourself comfortable and let’s dive in to ‘Your Super Sensitive Self: Curse or Superpower? (with Belinda Noakes)’

Watch this episode on YouTube HERE

Quick Links from this episode:


Time Stamps:

[0:00] On the Be A Brilliant Human Show today
[2:54] Introductions
[5:03] Feeling the emotions of others
[14:07] A vow and it's consequences
[19:21] Looking for the silver bullet
[29:56] Discovering 'Heart Locks'
[37:41] Mapping your 'Heart Locks'
[43:30] Power Tools for opening 'Heart Locks'
[45:34] What is a 'Super Sensitive Human'?
[53:31] From curse to superpower
[1:01:33] Getting help
[1:05:22] You're not wrong
[1:07:54] Outro

Visit Belinda's Website: HERE  

  • Join the TinyBrave Facebook group: HERE 

About Belinda Noakes

Belinda Noakes is a therapist and coach who’s been working with Super Sensitive clients for over a decade. Belinda is also the Ringleader of TinyBrave - providing support for super sensitive humans. She’s worked for years to understand and embrace her own extreme sensitivity. Belinda says:

A few years ago, I couldn't figure out why my own life was still kinda crappy even after doing SO MUCH INNER WORK! I was convinced there must be something seriously wrong with me. But learning about Heart Locks and observing how they function opened up real change for me - and for the clients I support. Now I'm sharing that wisdom to help other Super Sensitive humans to unlock your heart, reclaim sensitivity as a superpower and get on with building the life of your dreams.



Episode 134 Another fab conversation, this time with the wonderful Maureen YorkLISTEN HERE

Episode 127 The Foundational Soul Map is a great way to get your life into alignment: LISTEN HERE

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It seems like a gift; innate and reserved for the chosen ones... but the reality is, it's a skill.

In this training, you will uncover that Mastery in yourself.

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