I’m a great believer in the benefit of learning to speak your beloved's language.
If you do it well it can be the bedrock of a solid and satisfying relationship, that has the best chance of going the distance!
In his book “The Five Love Languages”, Dr Gary Chapman has laid out a brilliant map that can give you real insight into the different love languages we speak.
In today’s episode I’ll walk you through those five love languages and explore how speaking your partners love language can increase your sense of connection.
I’ll also share why I believe there are more than five love languages and cover some of the issues that can come up when you’re presented with a map like this.
So strap in, click that play button and let’s dive in.
Quick Links from this episode:
The Five Love Languages
[0:00] Intro & Pre-amble
[1:50] Welcome & context
[5:12] Intro to The Five Love Languages
[7:12] Words of affirmation
[11:59] Physical touch
[15:48] Giving/Receiving Gifts
[19:45] Quality time
[23:35] Acts of service
[28:51] Why there are more than 5 love languages
[30:34] Doing your part for connection
[33:15] Drop your agenda
[36:25] NPA Mastery
[39:42] The courage to be vulnerable
[42:33] Outro
More info on The Five Love Languages:
Dr Gary Chapman's website with a ton of resources is HERE
If you'd like some expert support as you undergo this process (especially if you're having a hard time with this kind of situation) then reach out and let me help you.
You can check out my session details and even set up a quick chat with me: Get in touch and let's have a chat about some 1:1 sessions with me.
Genius changemakers, coaches and wellbeing practitioners all have one thing in common:
They get out of their own way and let the magic happen through them.
No agenda, no resistance and no limiting self-consciousness in the healing space.
It seems like a gift; innate and reserved for the chosen ones... but the reality is, it's a skill.
In this training, you will uncover that Mastery in yourself.
Email me for a chat via [email protected].
Episode 4 Do they love you? And do you love yourself? This episode explores the topic: LISTEN HERE
Episode 101 Commitment is an important factor in experiencing the deepest intimacy. This episode explores the topic: LISTEN HERE
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