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Why Commitment Matters (If You Want Connection And Intimacy) | BABH S2Ep101

season 2 Oct 05, 2021

EPISODE 101: Why Commitment Matters (If You Want Connection And Intimacy)

If you want connection and intimacy in a relationship then commitment is a really big deal.

The thing is, there’s a lot myths about commitment that have people running for the hills, suffering from fear of commitment and other ‘commitment issues’… and never really getting what they want in relationship.

So in today’s show we’re gonna look at some of those myths and explore what commitment in a relationship does and doesn't mean and why it really matters if you want conscious relationships that are juicy, connected and fulfilling.

So hit that play button and let's jump in!

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Stories & Myths

“Commitment is about forever and life has taught me that change happens… and in spite of vows and promises ‘forever relationships’ can end... often painfully”

  • Clearly there’s truth that relationships change, people grow and parting happens but commitment and forever really have nothing to do with each other
  • However without commitment, chances are this is going to be a self-fulfilling prophesy (we’ll get into what commitment really means in a bit…)

“Commitment is bondage which stifles my freedom and potentially compromises my truth”

  • I’d say this is mis-placed blame
  • Bondage, stifling of freedom and compromising your truth, again, have little to do with commitment to a relationship in it’s true form…
  • This is more likely a twisted form of commitment like co-dependance or duty over truth.

The Misunderstanding?

Is a misunderstanding of the true nature of commitment, and this is key:

Commitment’s True nature is PRESENCE.

It is being there fully with your lover.
Choosing them AND choosing you align.

  • Having your eye elsewhere is not presence.
  • Having your ‘energetic doors’ open should someone ‘better’ come along is not presence.
  • Having background text conversations, the nature and tone of which you wouldn’t share with your partner is not presence.

These are states of non-presence: YOU are not there, you are trapped in a half-hearted, half-selfed experience.

The Power of Commitment in Relationship

  • Commitment does not bind you forever, it aligns you with yourself fully now.
  • Commitment doesn’t stifle your freedom, it aligns you with it.
  • It doesn’t compromise your truth, it demands it.
  • Commitment creates a container in which the relationships fullest expression and deepest purpose can be explored. It creates a container which transcends fickle romance and can carry you to deeper experiences of love.


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Support Can Really Help: Let Me Help You

If you'd like some expert support as you undergo this process (especially if you're having a hard time with this kind of situation) then reach out and let me help you.

You can check out my session details and even set up a quick chat with me: Get in touch and let's have a chat about some 1:1 sessions with me


Episode 41 How do you respond in those challenging times of a relationship? This episode will help: LISTEN HERE

Episode 72 There's a link between a lack of commitment and your tendency to be influenced by other people's opinions LISTEN HERE



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It seems like a gift; innate and reserved for the chosen ones... but the reality is, it's a skill.

In this training, you will uncover that Mastery in yourself.

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