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Secrets To Rocking Your 2020 Intentions (Part 2 of 4)

Episode 14 Transcript

You’re in the right place if you’re a growth-seeking being who acknowledges the challenges and delights of your humanity on the path to an ever more conscious life!

Your Host: Joel Young
The Creator & Custodian of Non-Personal Awareness and The NPA Process



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BABH S1Ep14: Secrets To Rocking Your 2020 Intentions

Part 2 of 4: Intention & The Multifaceted Self (Focusing The Many Parts of YOU)

Welcome to the BABH podcast with me, Joel Young. Hope you had good NYE and celebrated the arrival of this new decade in style.

AND Welcome to Part 2 of Secrets To Rocking Your 2020 Intentions (So They Actually Have An Impact & Get You What You Want) - this 4 part training is all part of my mission to raise the standards of goal setting as we we enter 2020.

This episode will likely blow your mind. What I’m going to share with you today brought me so much peace when it first dawned on me - it stopped a subtle poison in my spiritual searching, let me be more me and, of course, is a key secret to rocking your intentions! And honestly, when I really got this, it totally shifted how I operated in the world - so you’ll want to pay particular attention to this episode!

Now… In my 25 years of teaching transformational tools all over the globe I’ve come across, used and shared many different manifesting tools - things like vision boarding, affirmations, visualisation - and I noticed that the results, for many, were sketchy at best.

I know for myself that that can be very disheartening and even, in some cases, feeling more DIS-connecting from my dreams - quite the opposite of what you’re looking for when you come, with enthusiasm and hope, to these tools.

In 2007 my whole outlook shifted when The Universe Graced me with a new philosophy and practice which I called Non-Personal Awareness (NPA for short).

As I began sharing it in rooms around the world and watched it spread quickly to over 18 countries, I found that the fundamentals of NPA were filling the gaps, resolving the paradoxes and answering the questions that had arisen in me - in my career and experience up to then - including WHY those manifesting tools and intention setting processes worked SOME of the time, but were often devoid of impact, except for the briefest high.

Turns out it’s not the tools or techniques that are the issue - you’ve probably heard success stories from all the approaches you’ve tried, but not necessarily had great success with yourself - so clearly they can work with spectacular results!

And it’s not ‘your fault' either! I see so many people jump to self blame in this situation - “Clearly I haven’t done my work/cleared my stuff” yada yada…

Well it’s part of my mission to stop THAT counter-productive and, frankly, untrue story too… I mean LOTS of people manifest what they want and STILL have plenty of ‘stuff’ they could do with working on right?

So what is it?

It’s a matter of fundamentals… You see, the focus on the tools or the stuff misses the bigger picture - the awareness that those tools are part of a system - a system which is connected both personally and non-personally - in other words within the self and beyond the self…

And yes, you can luck out, and happen upon an aligned moment - hey presto, give the tool the credit - score! But that’s not really what happened is it? The tool of choice in the moment was just part of a bigger alignment…

What I’m offering you over these 4 episodes, is those fundamentals - a map, if you like, that means you can be way more aware of the parts at play, the bigger picture - and through that mindfulness have a MUCH better chance of having those aligned moments, more often - and much more by choice than blind luck!

So, if you’ve had sketchy results from previous attempts at manifesting, envisioning and setting new year intentions and would love to knock it out of the park this year - OR if you’re someone who’s pretty successful with the approaches you use, but you recognise that this could bring you even greater success - you’re in the right place!

Now if you missed the first part on this series, you should definitely go check it out because I covered secret number 1: ENERGY FIRST and how the power source behind the manifestation technique you use is critical to the ultimate impact from your efforts.

I told the story of how, as an 8 year old boy, I used the sun and a magnifying glass to create fire and how I realised a hazy sun didn't provide the juice to create the desired outcome.

I showed how that relates to manifestation techniques and unwittingly using a dodgy energy source just intensifies the dodgy results and having a clear and appropriate energy source gives you the juice you need - whatever you’re manifesting and whatever tool you’re using.

So, if you haven’t listened to that episode yet, go listen to it right now and then come back for this second part.

It should show up as the last episode, wherever you’re listening to this but there’s also a link in the description. Or you can simply type beabrillianthuman.com into your browser and you’ll find it - it’s episode 13 of the podcast.

And, by the way, thank’s so much for those of you who did tune in and those of you who sent me feedback… That episode had the most listens in a week that I’ve ever had since I started this podcast - so thank you for that!


Now in this episode, I want to take you deeper into the second part of the system, which is focus.

Going back to my analogy of the sun’s energy, focused through a magnifying glass to ignite a fire, which lays out the parts of the system.

It tells us there needs to be…

1. The right energy source (covered in part 1)
2. A clear and functioning lens - held for enough time, at the right angle and the right distance (That’s what we’ll be looking at today)
3. A target that will be responsive to the focused energy. (We’ll get to that next time)

In that analogy, when it comes to setting intentions and manifesting - YOU are the lens! And that might seem pretty straight forward - you just need to focus right? But unlike the simple one-piece lens of a magnifying glass, we are multifaceted beings right? And when it comes to setting intentions and having focus for our manifesting, that can be an issue if it's not acknowledged.

After all, different aspects of you may have different intentions - and as the old Chinese proverb goes - he who chases two hares catches none…

So I’m going to share one of those non-personal fundamentals which allows you to acknowledge the key aspects of you in a way that allows the seemingly different intentions to align and act as one.

THAT will give you an optimal focus that is uniquely you - it helps you become the most powerfully focused lens and is the second secret to rocking your 2020 intentions.

So there’s a reason you’re listening to this training.

Perhaps you’re in the process of looking at the year ahead, want to get clarity on your intentions but feel somehow disconnected from, or ambivalent about the things on your list that spring to mind. Maybe you’ve seen the same things go on that list year after year and feel somewhat jaded about the whole thing - still, you DO get that a clear and inspired intention can have an impact - you’re just looking for a way to get the sparkle back into the process.

Or perhaps you feel like there are SOOO many things you want to achieve this year - never mind chasing 2 hares - it’s like Watership Down in your head, and you’re looking for some way to sort the wheat from the chaff and connect to what truly matters - to prioritise things so that you can feel and experience that sense of clarity, purpose, movement and success…

And there’s never been a better time to come deeply into alignment - feel inspired, clear, powerful and purposeful because not only have we just begun a new year, actually a new decade, but I don't believe it’s an accident that in ophthalmology 2020 Vision describes optimal sight.

Also I love numerology - the science of numbers and vibration - and 2020 has a double 2. 2-2 in numerology is associated with the vibration of The Master Builder who has the ability to turn the loftiest dreams into concrete realities. Plus there are 2 0’s and 0’s add depth and wholeness to whatever number they sit next to…

And really today’s class is all about acknowledging the wholeness of you in order to achieve your unique focus, so whatever energy you’re channelling and whatever target you're focusing it at - you get maximum bang for your buck (as the saying goes)…

So how DO you deal with all those different aspects of self?
Well let’s get into it…


When you ask yourself “What do I want?” a confusion can arise because unconsciously, inside somewhere, the response is another question… “Er… which ‘I’ do you mean”?

The truth is, we’re not really individuals, but collectives of identities. In fact there are so many selves in each of us it would be impossible to acknowledge them all individually.

Think of all the different roles you play - parent, child, work roles, hobby roles etc - then within each of those there’s a slew of variations - let’s take parent - playful parent, disciplinarian, tired parent, responsible parent, nurturing parent… so many! Then there’s functional aspects, dysfunctional aspects and so on and so on… you get the idea.

Fortunately, through NPA, I’ve found a map of 3 relevant perspectives under which all the various aspects can be grouped. In other words, each aspect of you will be born from one of these 3 perspectives, so we only need to acknowledge these 3 in order get all our aspects aligned and that powerful focus - good news right!?

Don't worry - I’ll tell you what they are and describe them in detail in mo…

But first I want to share that in NPA (remember that’s short for non-personal awareness, it’s processes and philosophies) I call this the multiple perspective model - which basically acknowledges that all these perspectives are happening - are alive in you - at once.

But, because these perspectives could be perceived as a ‘higher’ or ‘lower’ states we tend to, especially in spiritual circles, favour the higher ones and ignore (or actively deny) the perspective that is perceived as the ‘lowest’

THAT is a big mistake my friend, because, as it turns out, that (in quotes) ‘lowest’ perspective is actually the one most grounded in the material world - it’s the conduit through which STUFF materialises, from which action comes and the forces of motivation arise…

So, what ARE these 3 perspectives?


And let me define them as I see them:


Considered lowest, but as I said, most grounded in the 3D world.
In terms of desires and intentions - the personality tends to want the stuff, the results - the tangibles.

As I said, a lot of judgement can come up for the desires of the personality in more spiritually identified people - I hear things like… “Ooh that’s my ego” then the desire is denied and a more spiritually friendly ‘higher perspective’ replaces it, leaving the personality out of the equation - like an abandoned puppy - bless it!


Soul label - so many interpretations - so let me be specific about what defines a Soul Perspective in this model.

Interested in the journey over time - journey not the destination
evolution - growth - lessons and experiences - never complete
Tends to be more general, less grounded.


Perfection of the now - always complete
Boundless quality to it
Being states are usually simple, like Peace, Joy, Love
Who are you being in the now - whatever experiences or lessons are happening, whatever stuff is or isn't there.

Hopefully you can sense that each has it’s distinct flavour and the key here is to acknowledge and include each of them.

With some self reflection and a willingness to allow each perspective to express it’s intention, you can build, what is effectively, a key-phrase which embodies a united, focused intention in wholeness…

When I help people find it, it’s amazing to watch how all the tumblers fall into place and their energy completely shifts.

I like to think of each perspective as a cogged gear in an engine, and as you line each perspective up the cogs connect and suddenly you have traction - powerful At-traction-potential - the energy and torque to really go places!

So let me give you an example…

I was working with a client who was lost, confused and overwhelmed.

She was saying yes to lots of things, though she wasn't sure why - they all sort of seemed like a good idea, but there was no clarity and in many cases no motivation to follow through. There were things that she felt could support her business, charity work she believed in and personal development projects.

It seemed like there was a lot on the go, but not much was really happening. She felt listless, was judging herself and some of the things she had agreed to were causing her considerable anxiety.

It seemed like she had clear goals, clear intentions - a plan… but if there was any juice at all - it was in the wrong direction.

So I helped her come back to intention in wholeness using the multiple perspective model and it soon became clear that she had spiritual judgement of her personality perspective which wanted to receive an award.

But once I helped her to drop that judgement I instantly saw the energy come back to her… Her Soul perspective was interested in experiencing flow and excitement and her Pure Being perspective was all about Purpose.

We put it all together and she sat there, in the energy of it, and beamed the biggest smile.

The clarity, the life force, the va-va-voom and magnetic power of it was tangible.

Now, when she looked at the tasks ahead of her, her ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ were very clear, the anxieties fell away as apparent obstacles were replaced by clear-sighted solutions and other inspired thoughts and feelings about her ambitions started to flow in…

What a transformation!

So, the multiple perspectives model gives you a map, from which you can align yourself in a way that acknowledges your multifaceted nature.

It lets you, as the metaphorical lens in the 3 part system I’m sharing, become a point of focus, not diffusion, so that the energy, the true source of power, that comes through you can really hit it’s mark and make the transformation real.


I really hope that just by hearing this, you get a sense of what’s possible for you - when you dispel that ambivalence and feel inspired again, and feel confident and congruent in your intentions, knowing that you can channel your power effectively in ways that matter to you…

When that clarity makes the priorities obvious and overwhelm obsolete so you can feel movement, passion and purpose… As you continue through this training I want that awareness in you to become clearer and clearer.

If you feel ready, why not go ahead and check in with those perspectives within you - get to know them. And I know it may seem new, or a bit whacky to some people, but there’s no need to fret, I’ve got you covered - in part 4 I’ll be letting you know how I’m going to make it super easy for you!

So for now, just relax and drink in the awareness - that, in itself is a powerful thing!

Now - I’ve jumped ahead to mention part 4, but as you’ve probably realised there’s a third part to the system -

Remember you need:

1. The right energy source (covered in part 1)
2. A clear and functioning lens - held for enough time, at the right angle and the right distance (We just covered that!)
3. A target that will be responsive to the focused energy.

And that’s what I’ll be sharing with you in Part 3, this Friday - that’s right, you don't have to wait a whole week this time!

Now I’m not going to give much away about part 3 just now, except to say that it’s unlikely this will be what you expect…

And, if you don't have this piece in place then, potentially - for all your focus and all your energy - your efforts may have little or no tangible effect in terms of the outcome you’d like to see - So make sure you tune in on Friday to get the final piece of the puzzle!
Now I want to hear from you:

Did you recognise that you had a preference for or a bias against any of the perspectives - Personality, Soul or Pure Being? Let me know.

And I’m also curious what challenges you’ve experienced with manifesting techniques and intentions? I’d love to hear from you…

You can leave me a voice message, right on the beabrillianthuman.com website - just click the big purple button.

Or you can hit me up on social media - the best place is on Facebook - find my page by searching NPA Rocks!!! there (I’ll also link to a specific post in the show notes, which you’ll find at beabrillianthuman.com/14

On most other social media platforms you’ll find me as @JoelYoungNPA.

Now if you found value in this training, please share it with at least three people you know – especially if they have any thought of doing intention work this year. It’s easier to get started on this journey when you have other people on the path with you.

But right now, please make sure you subscribe to the podcast so that you’ll be notified as soon as the next episode goes live.

And I’ll see you in the next episode this Friday, 10th Jan!

Cue the moo…



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As I frequently mention the trainings, services and free resources I offer, here's some 'handy bendy links' to help you connect with them

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The NPA Process Sheet

Non-Personal Awareness and all it's wonders starts with The NPA Process, which you can get for FREE here!

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1:1 Sessions with Joel

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Boundary Bootcamp

If you have issues with holding healthy boundaries, my signature programme will be truly transformational for you

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