This week it’s my absolute pleasure to introduce you to my great friend from Finland; Marja Koivisto.
Not only is Marja the first person that I certified as an NPA Teacher, she’s also a published author with 5 books under her belt and she’s in the final stages of her 6th book “The Temple of Excellence”, which you’ll get to find out about today.
Along with being an NPA Teacher, she’s got nearly 20 years experience; consulting with clients for wellbeing and self-development.
She’s an NLP Trainer, Mindfullness at Work Teacher and a Practitioner of The Journey Method. The first 17 years of her career was spent working in the corporate world and she has an MBA, Masters Degree, in Leadership.
In our conversation we discuss:
I tell you, we had a lot of fun recording this conversation and there’s a lot of great insights and ideas for you to take away.
So hit that play button and let's dive in!
If you would like to see the conversation (smiles'n'all) you can watch this episode on YouTube HERE
Connect with Marja:
Instagram: @marjakoivisto
Facebook: Marja Koivisto
Facebook business: @MarjaKoivistoExecutiveCoach
LinkedIn: @MarjaKoivisto
The Energy Pyramid workbook
(To clarify the next steps to be happy at work again)
When you are unhappy with your job and want to find spark and fulfilment in your career again, the first step is to be clear on your current situation.
Your energy balance in different areas of your life gives valuable information on the first steps you should take in the transformation process.
If there is unbalance in your life, the workbook shows the right place to start.
Download The Energy Pyramid workbook to get clarity about your next steps to love your work again.
Genius changemakers, coaches and wellbeing practitioners all have one thing in common:
They get out of their own way and let the magic happen through them.
No agenda, no resistance and no limiting self-consciousness in the healing space.
It seems like a gift; innate and reserved for the chosen ones... but the reality is, it's a skill.
In this training, you will uncover that Mastery in yourself.
Email me for a chat via [email protected].
Episode 84 This episode will help you stay in the zone; adding to your positive spiral of excellence: LISTEN HERE
Episode 75 This episode helps you understand the contextual nature of 'your best self' and how to discern which self that is: LISTEN HERE
Discover Exactly How To See Through All Those Abusive Mind-Games People Play On You; Become Immune To Their Tricks And Sneaky Tactics And Ensure You Can
If you've been triggered, manipulated and feel like you're weirdly controllable by someone - whether by a boss, a loved one, an ex, somebody who calls themselves a friend… then click through and GET BULLETPROOF today!
Having poor boundaries can be the crux of so much suffering and is a major cause of chronic self-esteem issues. Over 4 weeks this programme digs deep and offers profound life-transformation; giving you everything you need to overcome your boundary blocks and build healthy boundaries that work for you.
Are you at loggerheads with a partner, spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend or colleague?Join the challenge and free the logjam. Break the cycle of frustration and feel the relief of forward movement again!
Click the button below for 5 powerful days that will release your relational logjam:
Click image to get The NPA Process Sheet for free 👆🏻
For in-depth training on how to live the resistance-free way, find out more and jump in to The NPA Process: Advanced Training
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