Do you ever ask yourself questions along the lines of:
"Is this a situation that requires me to bring out my tough love or my softer side?"
"Is it time to bring out my inner boss or my inner team player?"
But sometimes the answer isn't clear and it can feel like two parts of you get into a battle for supremacy; it's like 'War of The Selves'; you're all jammed up; you're confused, afraid and not sure... "Which self is my best self right now?"
Sometimes you end up paralysed. Sometimes you end up getting the opposite outcome to what you wanted...
Well, in this episode we're going to look at the thinking that perpetuates this inner conflict and why it's flawed. Plus I'll share my take on how you can end the war and get the outcome you really want.
So click that play button and let’s get into it!
I'm considering doing a live, online event or product where you'll learn the practical tools that come out of this conflict resolution model. Whether it's conflict with others, inner conflict or issues that come up for you when those around you are in conflict, this event will give you the keys to inner peace, harmony and resolution.
Episode Bullet Points:
Let Me Help You
If you're experience conflict in your life and would like to experience some powerful 1:1 work to support you in finding your harmony and feeling peaceful and free then get in touch and let's have a chat about some 1:1 sessions with me.
NPA Mastery
If you are interested in finding out how you can work with people 1:1 in powerful resistance-free ways, then take a look at our NPA Mastery Programme.
Episode 74 Lays out the dualistic thinking and a new relational model in detail LISTEN HERE
Episode 60 Will give you more insight into polarity thinking LISTEN HERE
Episode 47 Explains the idea and perils of confirmation bias (with James Lavers) LISTEN HERE
For in-depth training on how to live the resistance-free way, find out more and jump in to The NPA Process: Advanced Training
Click image to get The NPA Process Sheet for free 👆🏻
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