Feeling a bit "Bah Humbug" this Christmas?
Or know someone around you who's inclined to go there?
In this episode I'm I'm looking Bah Humbug Syndrome firmly in the eye and exploring:
Beyond the Christmas theme, this episode offers some simple yet effective questions and perspectives to take you from misery and reaction to empowerment and freedom... So click that play button and let's get started!
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According to Wikipedia:
A humbug is a person or object that behaves in a deceptive or dishonest way
When referring to a person, a humbug means a fraud or impostor, implying an element of unjustified publicity and spectacle.
In modern usage, the word is most associated with the character Ebenezer Scrooge, created by Charles Dickens in his 1843 novella A Christmas Carol. His famous reference to Christmas, "Bah! Humbug!", declaring Christmas to be a fraud.
We can be ‘bah humbug’ about lots of things and events - about our birthday, about love, about children etc
Common Qualities...
The cost of a bah humbug mindset...
Examine the secondary gain - A grumpy identity can give negative pleasure…
Are You Blindly Bah-Humbugging?
What’s the real issue? What is it specifically that’s really bugging you?
Once you've answered these questions, you’re set to actually DO something about it so YOU can have a better experience…
Remember: “freedom is not a reaction but a wholehearted choice”
Who wants to subscribe to things that don't feel good right? I certainly don’t, and I don't encourage you to…
The thing is HOW DO YOU RESPOND to the pressure - becoming a victim or entertaining the idea you’re powerless is just another form of subscription - you’re still tangled up in the dynamic, the energy
"Fighting the have to’s is believing the have to’s"
In other words, it's giving them power
So the answer is to step into empowerment and freedom…
Ask yourself:
And if you have resistance come up to those questions ask:
What constrains you?
Fear? Other peoples' opinions? Are you just playing a role and that identity would find it humiliating to ‘hang with the ordinary people’ and just enjoy the experience?
What if Christmas was an invitation to be open hearted and celebrate life itself - and YOU get to decide
If you have someone around you who’s Bah Humbug, it can impact you and it’s natural to want to respond…
The standard response is "C’mon stop being such a miserable bugger"
That rarely works. It's additional pressure and they put their hooves in - after all, they're already reacting to pressure.
My suggestion -
Bah Humbug is normally a reactive and disempowered state - choose you, do what works for you but don't miss the invitation to be happy, just find YOUR version of happy
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