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100th Episode Celebration! (And The Top Ten Episodes) | BABH S1Ep100

season 1 Sep 14, 2021

EPISODE 100: 100th Episode Celebration! (And The Top Ten Episodes)

Woohoo! We've reached 100 episodes!

In celebration I'm sharing the top 10 episode (by listens), plus a couple of honourable mentions.

Thanks so much for being part of the show and tuning in each week. It's FOR you and wouldn't...

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4 Signs You're Being Manipulated | BABH S1Ep99

season 1 Sep 07, 2021

EPISODE 99: 4 Signs You're Being Manipulated

Manipulation is rife in our society.

It’s not just the rise of narcissistic behaviour; it’s societal. Manipulation tactics have been normalised.

In other words, they’re not just used with conscious harmful intent (although clearly...

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Whatā€™s Your Soul Nature? (And How To Live It Each Day) | BABH S1Ep98

season 1 Aug 31, 2021

EPISODE 98: What's Your Soul Nature? (And How To Live It Each Day)

Sometimes circumstances seem to get in the way of who we really are; in touch with our Soul nature.

In this episode I’m going to share with you why that doesn’t have to be the case and the flawed thinking that makes...

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When Should I 'Should' Myself? | BABH S1Ep97

season 1 Aug 10, 2021

EPISODE 97: When Should I 'Should' Myself?

Is there a good time to use 'should', or is it always bad?

Should is a word around which there is a lot of conflicting dogma; Dogma which can create a lot of mixed messages and confusion.

Generally, in the personal development world, 'should' is...

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Want Wealth? Get Connected To What Truly Matters | BABH S1Ep96

season 1 Aug 03, 2021

EPISODE 96: Want Wealth? Get Connected To What Truly Matters

A lot of folk around me have been sharing how money issues have been effecting them.

Wealth, money and abundance - there’s lots of stories and definitions - from which can come a lot of mixed intentionality, confusion and pain.


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Your Inner Spectre Revealed In 007 Questions | BABH S1Ep95

season 1 Jul 27, 2021

EPISODE 95: Your Inner Spectre Revealed In 007 Questions

I’m a bit of a Bond fan and this week I was Googling for the release date of the next Bond film… which reminded me that I’d written an article when that last one “Spectre” came out…

So I dug out my...

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When Your Healing Journey Challenges Those Around You | BABH S1Ep94

season 1 Jul 20, 2021

EPISODE 94: When Your Healing Journey Challenges Those Around You...

Don’t apologise for using personal development tools, or the rapid shifts they bring…

This may seem like a strange thing to say, but here’s the thing…

I say all the time that NPA allows you to move...

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Feeling Responsible vs Caring For Other Peopleā€™s Emotions | BABH S1Ep93

season 1 Jul 13, 2021

EPISODE 93: Feeling Responsible vs Caring For Other People’s Emotions

There’s a lot of human suffering that comes on the back of some skewed ideas in answer to the question “Are we responsible for the emotions of others?”

If we are responsible then that’s a lot...

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Guest Podcast Episode: Beth Bell's Pollinating The Planet With Love Show | BABH S1Ep92

season 1 Jul 06, 2021

EPISODE 92: Guest Podcast Episode: Beth Bell's Pollinating The Planet With Love Show

In this 'Guest Podcast' episode I'm handing over to Beth Bell's Pollinating The Planet with Love Show.

This was one of my favourite interviews and took place in Beth Bell’s mobile studio in San Diego...

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Are You Spending Your Energy Wisely? | BABH S1Ep91

season 1 Jun 29, 2021

EPISODE 91: Are You Spending Your Energy Wisely?

A lot of people I speak to describe how they're finding that the reward for their efforts are pants!

Whether it's in their business, their relationships, their health or healing journey or elsewhere; they end up feeling disheartened,...

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