This week I’m delighted to introduce you to my friend Maureen York. She’s an expert in helping people who find they’ve somehow lost themselves in life and want to rediscover their spark and who they really are.
In our chat we covered some deep stuff which, I think, has something for us all.
We looked at:
Maureen is such a beautiful Soul who’s been on this journey herself and is committed to helping you find yourself again.
This conversation goes deep, so click that play button and let’s dive in.
Watch this episode on YouTube HERE
Quick Links from this episode:
[0:00] On the Be A Brilliant Human Show today
[2:21] Introductions and a Spanish adventure
[5:26] Raw food and a vision
[9:07] Losing yourself in the labels of life
[13:33] You can’t read the label from inside the jar
[17:13] Fear of taking the leap
[19:29] The journey back to your authentic self
[22:35] Being gentle on the journey
[24:36] Finding the courage
[27:44] Why masks make your world small
[30:56] Why we get attached to our labels
[33:48] The hidden cost of losing yourself
[36:56] Compartmentalising your heart
[41:02] Lost opportunities
[43:18] You don’t have to do it on your own
[46:57] Have hope
[50:54] A final pearl of wisdom
Maureen is a Transformational Coach, Mentor, Speaker and Retreat Leader.
She works with women in the summer of their lives (40+) who have arrived at a point where they have unwittingly lost themselves (by default or by design).
She helps them unwrap and remove the layers of labels they've picked up and clung to over the years (job title, mother, wife etc) which has turned them into a shell of who they truly are.
Maureen guides them to unpack their authenticity, boldness and courage allowing magic to happen, and where they rise up again and unapologetically claim their lives back so that they can thrive again!
To inquire about working with Maureen, send her an email here to open the conversation.
Episode 125 One of the blocks to finding yourself again is the discomfort of change. This episode will help you deal with that: LISTEN HERE
Episode 32 There's another look at the topic of masks in this episode, which may be useful for you to listen to: LISTEN HERE
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