Today I’m sharing a powerful self-awareness tool that I regularly use with my clients.
I call it the Foundational Soul Map and clients who’ve applied it to their lives have found their sense of purpose, self understanding and their relationship to the multi-faceted aspects of life has improved enormously, not to mention the wonderful healing benefits I’ve seen.
True fulfilment comes from being fully aligned but rarely do we know what that looks like; where do we focus, what are the signals that move us, how do we embody it through action?
If you want to discover your Foundational Soul Map, this episode will lay it out for you and highlight exactly what you need to explore in yourself to start living an aligned and ‘on purpose’ life.
Click that play button and let’s dive in.
Quick Links from this episode:
Foundational Soul Map Overview:
How is it useful?
Multiple aspects of self…
Focus often on one alone (being, soul, personality) - NPA multiple perspectives model
Including all means full alignment - cogs = most leveraged, fully embodied self - “fulfilled” not part filled
What are the parts?
Think in terms of ‘flavours’ of your energy-self
Alignment / Fuel/Signal / Expression
Point of self connection - what aligns you with your core, what matters most
Often alignment is perceived as flaw, been suppressed or minimised
What moves you, what signals your purpose
Fuel/Signal - radar, sensory acuity to… trigger (how do you know when to move/act in accordance with divine calling)
purpose in action (unhindered natural expression)
Expression is embodiment of above and when witnessed in others will often move you - movies that make you cry or move your spirit are usually things that reflect this embodiment to you (can also be strong memories of loved one’s actions/behaviours)
How do I find mine?
Then What?
If you'd like some expert support as you undergo this process (especially if you're having a hard time with this kind of situation) then reach out and let me help you.
You can check out my session details and even set up a quick chat with me: Get in touch and let's have a chat about some 1:1 sessions with me.
Do you have clients that seem stuck, blocked and unable to move past certain issues?
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Episode 115 Related to The Harmony Equation, The Conflict Series kicks off with inner conflict: LISTEN HERE Make sure you also listen to PART 2 and PART 3.
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