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Getting In Touch With Your Inner Christmas Tree | BABH S1Ep65

season 1 Dec 22, 2020

EPISODE 65: Getting In Touch With Your Inner Christmas Tree

Putting up a Christmas tree in your front room is a tradition that stretches back years...

But have you ever considered the idea of having an INNER Christmas tree and decorating it to bring Christmas cheer to your inner landscape!?

Well, this episode poses some fantastic questions to you to help you:

  • Twinkle your inner tree lights
  • Sparkle up with your inner tinsel and
  • Polish up your inner baubles

Get set to decorate that inner tree, super-charge your Christmas Spirit and feel that warm glow inside as we come to the end of 2020.

Click that play button and let's get in to it!


Inquiry Questions To Decorate Your Inner Christmas Tree


  1. What lights you up?
  2. What brings you warmth?
  3. What reminds you of light when you're in the dark?


  1. What brings sparkle into your life?
  2. What brings fun into your life?


  1. What are the fruits of your labours this year?
  2. What can you gift yourself (or treat yourself to) this Christmas?


Episode 64 for more Christmas themed inspiration LISTEN HERE


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