You’re in the right place if you’re a growth-seeking being who acknowledges the challenges and delights of your humanity on the path to an ever more conscious life!
Your Host: Joel Young
The Creator & Custodian of Non-Personal Awareness and The NPA Process
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LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGEPart 3 of 4: A Matter of Time | Your Relationship with 2020
Welcome to the BABH podcast with me, Joel Young.
AND Welcome to Part 3 of Secrets To Rocking Your 2020 Intentions (So They Actually Have An Impact & Get You What You Want).
Normally this podcast goes out every Tuesday, but as part of my mission to raise the standards of goal setting as we we enter 2020 - I wanted to get this 4 part training out to you before we get too far into January - so this Friday episode is a bonus - yay!
If you remember I made you a bold promise at the start of this training:
That simply by listening to this series of 4 episodes, you’re going to be able to radically shift how you approach goal setting (or intention setting) to a whole new level - such that what you envision for yourself in 2020 is truly connected, truly aligned and therefore has way more chance of actually manifesting this year.
So, what I’m gonna share with you today in part 3 could well be a huge revelation for you - I certainly felt that way when this piece dropped into place for me.
And while this part of the bigger picture does often feature in approaches to manifesting and goal setting, it’s true nature and how to work with it effectively is rarely taught - in fact, I’d go so far as to say I haven’t actually come across it anywhere else - and, actually some of the ways I have seen it approached are down-right counter productive - at least that’s been my experience!
So Part 3 is called “A Matter of Time | Your Relationship to 2020” and, I do believe, there are a LOT of “Aha Bombs” to be had in this episode…
But before we get into that I have a question for you…
I wonder if you’ve noticed the theme that underpins all that juicy content I’ve shared in Parts 1 and 2?
Well, whether you’re going “er… nope - totally missed it” or if you think you nailed it but now you’re gagging to know if you’re right -
I’m going to resist the urge to have an X-Factor moment and make you wait while tension building music plays in the background… and tell you right now:
It’s the theme of approaching intentions and manifesting in Wholeness.
You see, most of the teaching on this topic focuses on one, or only a select part of the whole of you - and while that can work, it doesn’t allow you to access the full power, the full focus that’s available to you - and, in some cases it can actively undermine that power and focus - giving you those underwhelming results from your efforts.
In the first 12 years of my career in the transformation industry, I met (and taught) all kinds of manifesting techniques. I trained with and worked alongside some of the top luminaries in the field of mind-body-spirit, healing and spirituality - from highly cognitive approaches to, what could be considered the far out, woo-woo end of the spectrum.
All of it was valid, all of it had an impact and the experiences I had have been invaluable - and yet, although there were nods towards or platitudes around wholeness, somehow none of it really embodied that.
So, somewhere deep inside a sense of polarisation lurked, like some part of me had to sit this one out, like he hadn’t been picked for the team so he couldn’t join in the game…
Cue, very sad and sometimes quite miffed… and maybe a bit, well, maybe a lot disruptive - inner Joel…
Have you ever had that experience where you’ve been sidelined on some activity and you’re looking on at them struggling with some knotty challenge and you’re thinking - the solution is pretty bloody obvious to me?
Well, I had a wake up call and all that changed, along with the direction of my career, 13 years ago when the philosophy and practice I call Non-Personal Awareness or NPA for short - was literally given to me by the Grace of God (or The Universe, of you prefer that terminology) - and, at their heart, the philosophies and practices of NPA put Wholeness front. and. centre.
So THAT’s what I’ve been teaching in rooms and online around the world for the past 13 years
And it’s WHY I have been, and will continue today, to show you ways to acknowledge, include and bring together ALL of you, and all aspects of the manifestation system - so that whatever tools you use - be it vision boarding, visualisation, affirmations or whatever - you can fully access your innate manifesting power and make full use of the Universal Energy that creates worlds without breaking a sweat!
And btw, NOT leave some part of you crying on the bench!
So, if you could approach your intentions for 2020 in wholeness - include ALL of you in an aligned, united and powerful way as you turn your attention to what you would like to experience this year - and you could feel, through that deep connectedness that your intentions had real oomph - real power - to the point where you might become very discerning about what you choose to focus on - is that something you’d be willing to commit to?
If the answer to that question is “Yes”, then stay with me as we dive into today’s lesson, where I’ll share how you can meet the time element of intentionality from a wholeness perspective, so that what you focus on is in a state of readiness to respond to your intentions.
Now, as this is part 3, if you haven’t yet listened to parts 1 & 2, I highly recommend you stop right now and go listen to them... they really are required listening for anyone who wants to rock their 2020 vision.
And I really want you to get the full value of this training, so you should really go listen to those episodes in order... don’t worry, I’ll be waiting for you… we’re just shy of 7 minutes into this episode, so you can come right back to this point when you’ve caught up.
In the first two parts of this training, I taught you about the importance of understanding that, when it comes to intentions and manifesting, there’s an energetic, interconnected system where all parts matter.
And how it’s when, all those parts are lined up with the right ingredients in place - that the magic happens.
In other words, when you get this in order, when everything is in place:
So… Using the analogy of the sun’s energy, focused through a magnifying glass to ignite a fire - in Part 1 I shared how ENERGY FIRST is the mindset that underpins it all.
So you have to start with the right energy source - because the flavour of that energy is what gets magnified by your focus - and if it’s not aligned then you’re just magnifying mis-alignment!
And that energy, if you think about it, goes right through all parts of the system - it’s the power source, but it also flows through the magnifying glass - to continue the metaphor - and it’s what catalyses the transformation of what it touches in this material world of form.
Which brings us to what I covered in Part 2 - which is that YOU are the magnifying glass… But there are in fact many selves within you
So I shared how the NPA Multiple Perspective map allows you a simple, quick and powerful way to bring all of those disparate parts of you - the wholeness of you - into alignment, so you have that all important focus - which intensifies the power of the energy - again, without having to expend a lot of your energy - OR, for that matter, go through 10 more years of therapy! Bonus right?
And that brings us to the 3rd part of the system which I described as ‘A target that will be responsive to the focused energy’
And here’s where it get’s interesting… especially when it comes to time constructs like the year 2020…
So before we unravel that little beauty - I want to thank so many of you who did tune in to parts 1 and 2. If you remember I told you last time that part 1 had the most listens in a week that I’ve ever had since I started this podcast…
Well - it’s only a couple of days since part 2 went live - that was Tuesday evening at 6:15pm, and I’m recording this episode, Thursday afternoon - it’s what - 2:47pm right now - and in that - less than 48hrs the number of listens has almost matched the weekly record!
And I love that because it lets me know that you’re engaged and keen to hear the next part of the training, so you’re feeling and getting the value of what I’m offering here…
And that’s also confirmed by some of the great feedback I’ve been getting - which I so appreciate.
And I LOVE hearing how you’ve been implementing what I’ve been sharing.
In fact I heard from 2 people who used the multiple perspectives map from part 2 and used it in really interesting, and quite similar ways.
Charlotte from here in the UK, who helps women have empowered birthing experiences, told me how she decided to go back to the memory of her own birth and look at it from each of the perspectives - which she found brought more love and healing into it.
And similarly, a lady in Australia told me that she took the multiple perspectives back to 6 core challenging and foundational memories and found that bringing the wholeness to them brought a lightness to them that she hadn’t experienced before - and she’d worked on them with many other modalities.
I love the implementation and action taking here - implementation really takes things to the next level.
And I also love that they recognised that, while I’m focusing here on 2020 and intentions, because the work comes from and is rooted in wholeness it can be applied in so many wonderful ways!
And when, on Tuesday, I tell you what I’ve got planned if you’d like help actioning all of this for your 2020 vision - you’ll see that what I’m offering actually has the potential to be applied in ways that go way beyond just the 2020 timeframe.
But - I’m getting ahead of myself again - and I just wanted to say thank you for being here and your feedback and participation means a lot to me…
and I did mention the 2020 timeframe there - so let’s get into that.
So, the 3rd part of the system is, as I said, ‘A target that will be responsive to the focused energy’
Now - fair warning - I’m about to give you a high fibre technical download.
But don't worry if that’s not your bag, I’m gonna follow it up with the poetry of metaphor.
Some people love it tech, some people love a metaphor - I love both, but more importantly I really want you get this bit.
‘A target that will be responsive to the focused energy’
Well, you may well have thought, when you heard that, that the target I was referring to was ‘the stuff’ - you know - the car, the house, the new relationship etc… well I guess that in some manifesting situations that may be the case…
However, when it comes to goals, intentions and visioning - the ‘target’ I’m referring to is the time period - so for your 2020 Vision, if you think about it - you’re actually focusing your intentions on the year 2020.
And what IS the year 2020?
Well ultimately, just like everything we experience, it’s a construct - an idea - a thing - not a physical form, but a form none-the-less.
So, you’ve likely heard the phrase “Everything is energy” - there’s a lot of quantum mechanics behind that statement, which I don't have time to go into today, but take my word for it - whatever thing, form, construct or idea you interact with or experience IS, fundamentally a defined block of energy.
This understanding… this awareness is really useful in terms of slotting a time block, in its wholeness, into our 3 part system.
So now, if we define 2020 as a block of time, which is actually a block of energy - we can see it as a singular thing - in other words interact with it in its wholeness…
Now… that’s a pretty rich stream of information, so take a breath and relax… I am gonna give it to you metaphorically in a moment but there’s another piece of the puzzle to address first…
Because you may well be asking - OK, time block, got it… but, er… what about the stuff - I want my stuff… show me the stuff!
Well, I want you to think in terms of a substrate.
A petri dish is a good example of a substrate - all sorts of lovely jubbly stuff can show up in a petri dish - depending on the substrate - that’s the jelly bit - and what you put in it.
Plus the petri dish is a good example here, because it’s something you use when you want a specific outcome in a contained (or you could say defined) space - and if you think about it - when you’re doing your 2020 intentions, you want things to happen WITHIN a defined time period.
But why not just focus on the stuff?
Well, now’s a good time to go back to my core metaphor…
So, remember I was 8 years old with a magnifying glass on a sunny day and out to make fire.
Did I go out looking for fire to focus the suns rays on? Nooo!
In a patchwork field of green and golden grass I found a gold one… a dry one, a blade of grass that was ripe and ready to be responsive to the intensive focus of the sun’s rays - it provided all the ingredients and conditions that meant when I lined things up, I got my fire.
My intention was fire, yes - but everything in the system was lined up and in the right condition to be responsive - so the intention became manifest, effortlessly!
OK, so now you’re probably asking yourself - OK, so green grass, gold grass, I get that, but 2020 is a year - it is what it is right?
Well, no, not really - not when you enter the magic world of energy…
Remember what I said earlier: 2020 is a block of time, which is actually a block of energy - so we can see it as a singular thing - in other words interact with it in its wholeness…
And an interesting thing about the study of the energetic nature of the universe, is that it turns out that, well everything is connected, but, perhaps more importantly here - it’s the relationship between energies that effects them at the most fundamental level.
So your relationship to 2020 is actually what most effects your experience of it as a whole… 2020 is not inert to you.
So, whether 2020 to you is a blade of green grass (going back to the metaphor) which probably would’ve got singed but wouldn't have produced fire…
Or 2020 to you is ripe golden, ready-to-blaze grass, which will manifest your intentions lickety-split…
Is going to be a function of your relationship to the energy of 2020.
Now, maybe you’re thinking how the heck do I get a fix on my relationship with the energy of 2020? Or maybe even “that’s just bonkers”…
Well, firstly, if you’re listening to my podcast, I actually doubt you think that the idea of energetic relational dynamics between things, including constructs, is bonkers - cos I talk about that a lot!
But if you can drop your old Newtonian logic and be playful about it - you might be surprised what comes to you!
And when it comes to things you might wanna get sorted relationally with 2020, so it’s super receptive to your intentions…
Then, like most relationships, you’re going to want to identify and resolve any conflict and have a clear sense of what you want to do together.
Now, on Tuesday in Part 4, I’m going to let you know how you can easily do that, in fact get the whole system lined up…
But right now, we’ve covered a lot of ground, so I want to sum it up for you
So today I’ve shared how the target of your focus I’ve been talking about, is a time frame - in this case, the year 2020.
And, like a substrate, your intentions will grow out of it when the conditions are right.
Also how 2020 is an energy; how you are in relationship with it and the condition of your relationship to it, is a key factor in how responsive it is to your intentions.
And the good news is - shifting energetic relationships like this is easier than you might think - people do it every day, all over the world with NPA - or more specifically The NPA Process - and, no doubt, with other techniques.
So now the full system is:
A powerful and appropriate energy source, one that is clear and supports the intention…
Your whole self, lined up so it can really focus that energy…
Onto the energy of 2020, where the relationship between you and it is resonant, harmonious and clear.
OK - So that’s the whole picture and the conclusion of the training part of this series.
I’ve absolutely loved creating and sharing these episodes with you and I know these free training sessions have already made a big impact on many people who have contacted me, maybe it’s even helped you.
Now that you know the system, you may be wondering what it takes to really put it all into action, to get all the pieces in order and in place so you can truly rock your 2020 intentions - and, I hope you’ve realised - any time frame you want to focus on - be it a week, a month, a season, a lead up to some big event… there are so many applications.
Well, I’ve certainly given you plenty to chew on, and from these free trainings I know it’s possible to put things in motion and make an impact in your life - people have already shared with me how they have - I love that and it was always my intention.
However I also know that many of you would likely want more support and would love it if I could give you a clear, mapped out actionable way to apply this in your life - so you could easily ensure you had the right energy source, were focused in wholeness and in harmony with the energy of 2020.
And if you could apply that map to any time frame then that would be the icing on the cake right?
Imaging who you’ll be, and what you’ll experience when you put this map into action in your life, when you feel deeply aligned and in tune in yourself and with the universe… when you start to see your intentions appear like alchemy in the landscape of your life…
Well, if you’re interested in taking this even further and taking the next step, in letting me help you get and experience this actionable map, I’ve put together a special offer which I will tell you all about in Part 4 on Tuesday…
What I will say now, is that it’s a one day, experiential online workshop I’m calling The 2020 Vision Accelerator. And It’ll be taking place on Sunday 19th January, and you can participate wherever you are in the world.
The live course will be recorded and while I very much encourage you to be there if you can, if you can’t be there, then you can still register (as long as you do it before the cart closes) and benefit from all the recordings, worksheets and instructions - so you still get all the actionable resources.
I’ll be opening registration soon and there’ll be just a few days to book your place, then I’ll have to close registration before the day of the workshop.
I’ll have lots of details about the upcoming 2020 Vision Accelerator and how you can join me in Part 4 of this series, so tune in to this podcast next Tuesday, 14th Jan.
In the meantime, I would love to hear from you - if you have any questions about what I’ve shared, or queries about the upcoming course just get in touch. I read it all and get back to you personally.
As ever, you can leave me a voice message, right on the website - just click the big ‘message me’ button.
Or you can hit me up on social media - the best place is on Facebook - find my page by searching NPA Rocks!!! there (I’ll also link to a specific post in the show notes, which you’ll find at
On most other social media platforms you’ll find me as @JoelYoungNPA.
And look out for the next few emails from me, which will give you details and you can always email me (as many of you have) by hitting reply to my mail-outs.
Of course if you’re not yet on my email list - then get ye on it! Simplest way is to sign up for the free NPA Sheet - a great idea anyway. You’ll find links to that dotted around the BABH website.
And of course, if you like this training and found it useful - why not give me a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe so you’re notified when the next part comes out. And I would love if you shared this with your friends…
Right - I think I’m cooked for today - do get in touch and join me for Part 4 on Tuesday…
And for now…
Cue the moo…
As I frequently mention the trainings, services and free resources I offer, here's some 'handy bendy links' to help you connect with them
Non-Personal Awareness and all it's wonders starts with The NPA Process, which you can get for FREE here!
With years of experience and reams of testimonials, you're making a great decision to get my personal support
If you have issues with holding healthy boundaries, my signature programme will be truly transformational for you