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7 Power-Perspectives For Being A Brilliant Human

Episode 17 Transcript

You’re in the right place if you’re a growth-seeking being who acknowledges the challenges and delights of your humanity on the path to an ever more conscious life!

Your Host: Joel Young
The Creator & Custodian of Non-Personal Awareness and The NPA Process



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BABH S1Ep17: 7 Power-Perspectives For Being A Brilliant Human

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to be a brilliant human, the podcast with me, Joel young, where we dive deep and have a good time as we explore consciousness, humanity, the world of awakening and personal development and all those wonderful things with the human very much at the forefront. So welcome if you're new. I'm so glad you found us. And also if you're back again further instalment, I just love that you're here with me and come back regularly. If you haven't already subscribed, make sure you go ahead and do that. As always, you can message me, give me some feedback. If you've got any questions you want to ask about this, this show or any of the others, any of the topics you'd like me to cover, do let me know. You can do that. All of it is available at https://www.beabrillianthuman.com to find a big message button.

If you want to leave me a voice message are always lovely to receive those or you can email me or contact me on social media across the board. Again, all the links for that will be there. And if you want to find this episode then you can just go to be a brilliant human.com/seventeen which may seem a bit mad. I mean there is the, is the show notes cause you might be listening, listening to this on iTunes or something. And going, I'm already listening, but what I want to find this episode, what I mean is if you wanted to find the show notes and all the links you can do, PayPal and human.com/seventeen cause this is episode 17. So if you want to find episode 12, you can just do slash 12 and it'll get you to the show notes for that. So I've, I've hoped I've, I hope I've set it up to make that really, really easy.

So this podcast is still pretty young, 17 episodes in, can't believe it's already 17. And when I first started, if you go back to episode one where I, it was, it was just a complete, okay, it was a day I was doing a workshop day because I knew I wanted to do a podcast and it's kind of an implementation implementation day. And the guy that was running at the wonderful James Lavers gave us a, a task of just getting episode one out at lunchtime, which I did. And it was just a complete free flow. And then weekly I've come at you and I've kind of taken the whole thing at this point and it's in its young hood to sort of be kind of an experiment really. So I've given myself licence to experiment and play with things. So for a lot of the episodes, you know, I, I spend a fair bit of time kind of scripting out cause I want to create this work of art or at least this, you know, coherent story that will impact you whatever the, the messages that I'm giving to you.

And then I recently did if you want to go back to episodes, I've got, remember the names now, I think after wrote them down somewhere, but I think it's episode 13, 14, 15 and 16 was a four-part training, including on the, on the last episode, which is 16 telling you about an offer that I had and something that you could come and join me to do. So that was kind of an experiment to see how that, how you'd like that. It was very well received. Thank you for that. And, and how that would feel to me and all those kinds of things. And as I generally script them out a lot, I thought this time I would see how it goes if I just make some bullet points and deemed more freestyling. I thought I'd give you a heads up on that, on this one.

Part of that is just the, I just want to see how that feels to me and how it comes across to use. Do let me know how that, how that goes for you. So that brings us to today. Today I want to share with you seven power perspectives for being a brilliant human in a sense. Really these, these are the guides to my life. There's sort of seven powerful perspectives really, or States of being or ways of looking at the world if you like, however you want to put that. And yeah, they are, they are kind of guides in my life. It's, I, I find that sort of by, by spending, I have spent a lot of time with them. They are kind of part [inaudible]. When I go through them, you go, Oh yeah, he's talked about that a lot. He always mentions that they're always kind of alive in me.

And what I find is by having them alive in me, they sort of bring that sense of fluidity. They can allow me to have depth and, and that certainly brings joy to my life. And, and they really come because they're the, the cornerstones of, of the philosophies of non personal awareness. So for the newbies here, NPA stands for non personal awareness. I'm mostly known and you will have heard it in the intro though. The father, as I say it there all the lady says of MPA. It's, it's, it's, it's a set of philosophies and a practise. The NPA process is a practise, which on the surface is about not taking things personally. But here on this podcast in general, we're looking at the wider philosophy of non-personal awareness. And I'm offering views from that perspective. So these seven power perspectives really are sort of what are the, the threads to the, again, the foundations of the non personal perspective.

And I think that if you embrace that, then of course you're going to become a more brilliant human, which is what we're about here. So I mean, even if you just take one away from today and you run with it and really kind of sit with it and, and allow yourself to steep in that and, and play with that perspective, I really think it can, it can have a powerful impact on how you an experience and interact with life. So there's seven of them and they all start with a letter as words do. Although I had some fun before, before I started this, I thought, okay, let's make as like an acronym out of it. Now they, they almost spell awkward.

Well, I thought well they don't, but B, that wouldn't be a very good acronym. But they do spell rad walk as in rad for radical and walk as in walking. So I thought, Oh, that's good. So that they really come in no particular order. But rat walk is the order we're going to do them in. So in a way I'm going to teach you not to moonwalk but to read, walk. So let's get in into it with the seven power perspectives. Okay, let's start with the rad part of red war. It's quite funny. I was just looking at it and going, actually that works pretty well. Rad for radical cause the first three are pretty radical and the and the second four, if that makes sense. I kind of the walk how you walk in the world. So in the art of how the magic of the universe works, it's fantastic.

Right? So first part of rad walk is rad first park. Part of rad is, ah, so the R stands for relational. So again, you will have heard me talk in terms of how the universe is relational. That's how I see the world. It really, the fundamentals of, of the relational perspective is, is it's that your relationship affects your experience. It doesn't mean that your relationship with some partner affect your experience, although it probably does, but your relationship to anything, to any experience to the stuff of life is what affects your experience of it. So, you know, generally we try to fix the stuff, but, but this, this point really is that by shifting your relationship to it you're going to experience more changes because stuff is solid, right? So relational is energetic, energetic stuff tends to be more fluid and moves faster. This whole thing, the whole normal part, a big part of the non personal philosophy is that we're moving from the sort of Newtonian idea that you, Tony, in the physics of, of how everything is solid and separate to the more quantum or quantum physics perspective, which is that everything is energetic, connected, and therefore more fluid.

So, and I re I, I use this a lot. So if you come to my practise because you have a physical condition that ask him, he knows our blog. Fibro myalgia was an example. It's a fibromyalgia, a condition where the myofacial facial tissue gets inflamed. It's classified as a chronic condition. So it's already set up with the relationship of permanent and it can be very painful. So chances are you come to the practise going, I want to get rid of the pain, or we understandable. Fair enough, but I'm not gonna approach it that way because that that comes from that non-relational, solid, separate way of thinking about things. It makes you, and the pain or the myofacial or the the fibromyalgia enemies, it makes, it makes that stuff, it makes the pain solid. It makes it heavy and hard to shift. So I'm going to approach it with the relational perspective.

I'm going to work with you to shift your relationship to it because by shifting your relationship to it you're in a much more fluid, energetic state and things tend to shift. And again, just just to not over-simplify it's not about just changing your relationship to simply the pain or whatever you're calling it. Although that clearly is a part of it because we are in a sense, complex communities. So I've worked to identify all the parts at play, then all the relationships that are going on between them, it's about resolving the conflicts, finding common ground and common intentions, which allows the sort of the whole system to function better. It creates an environment where healing is going to be much more likely. I mean, I've had this recently, so there's a a relatively new client that, that I have and, and he came or was come with, with an issue around his hip and he, the story is that it's hereditary or the family got it.

So again, already the relationship is set up that this is something that is hard to move. And he's was facing a hip replacement, which you didn't want to have. So I worked with it relationally looking again, as I just said, same as I mentioned with the fibromyalgia, looking at all the parts involved, what's the relationship's going on, if we can shift the relationships and within a week report and he's like, Oh my God, just after a week you could already feel that, you know, the way that he, that how he could walk the sense of ease in his, in his hip and his legs and his walk, the whole thing had completely shifted cause we'd really nailed what some of the core facets of that, the relational issues were within himself and with him and the world. So I really have a lot of experience of how working relationally rather than, you know, getting rid of the stuff or fixing the stuff or all that kind of thing seems to have so much more power.

It works systemically. It works energetically. It works relationally. You know, I mean, it's just think about it like with, with intimate relationships. So when there's disconnection and conflict nothing, right? And there's all sorts of symptoms show up, you know, all that shit, that shitty relationship stuff. Yeah. I could feel where really crap. I mean, lots of crappy behaviours or yucky experiences. But once those relational issues affects, like the, the disconnection or conflict is resolved, suddenly all feels yummy, you know? There's lots of yummy behaviours and experiences that come along and it's much more effortless and natural for that to happen because the system, in this case, the system of, of that actual relationship, that the partnership, the, the couple is in harmony. So those, those yummy experiences and behaviours that are born out of it all by themselves, rather than trying to focus on, you know, certain, you know, trying to get rid of some aspect or those kinds of things, you've got to fix the relationship and then the harmony comes.

And it really doesn't matter what the presenting condition is, whether it's something you're facing. And again, when you look at the stuff, the emotion, it might be the stuff might be emotional or physical, it might be relationships themselves, might be money, stuff, abundance, whatever it is. But if you think in terms of your relationship to it, then you know, and shift that and things are going to shift so beautifully. So that's relational. All right, rad. R a. D the a is for a genderless. Let's talk about a generalist. Well, agendalessness is a word. It's an ungainly word, not even a real word, but I seem to use it a lot. A Jen being agenderlessness. It's about neutrality and frictionlessness. And it's about being available to all possibilities. Having no agenda is so powerful. Again, back to energy. And neutrality.

When you have an agenda and you're forcing stuff and trying to make things happen, you're setting up charges and an energetic world charges create adhesion friction and all those kinds of things. The neutral neutral place is a place where electrons and energy can flow beautifully. Think of a, a mono rail, a train that uses magnets. It creates a frictionless system that still propels the train really, really well. So agenderlessness, there's no forcing, no pressure, no resistance. I mean, think about resistance, right? People don't respond well to pressure. Have you noticed, whether it's external or internal? So if there's external pressure you know, we tend to sort of par hooves in, again, if we sort of create pressure and agenda for ourselves internally, we tend to resist ourselves. People tend to respond better to inspiration or inner inspiration, which comes out of that neutrality.

You know, it's not a forced state. So, I mean, try out. So I remember when someone sort of thought they knew what was best for you and how things should be, you know, and, and even if their agenda was kind of dressed up in that, you know, it's really for your best. I w it's only cause I care about you, but how did it feel? You know, I mean, even, even if you ask them for advice and help, but, but you can tell they offer it, but they have a real agenda that you follow it. You know, if you don't follow my really good advice, you know, then everything's bad. So I'm going to have a real agenda about you agreeing with me, following my advice, doing all that stuff. How does that feel? You know, how does it feel? I know for me, I can't speak for you, but answer your own question.

Know it doesn't feel great to put it mildly. So now try remembering a time. When you talk with someone, you had no agenda. They were available to listen and even offer advice. But they, the thing is, if they offered advice, they had no agenda about whether you followed it or not, they were just in an Explorer, exploratory mode with you. How did that feel? I know for me, that feels a hell of a lot better when someone is just in that non-agenda that agenda list state with me, it feels so much better. Now the hollow generalist thing really was, was crystallised with me with, with MPA and, and agenderlessness that, that word is really at the heart of, of all NPAF facilitation. So if I'm working in using the NPA process with people and it's different forms then I'm really going to be coming from a, an a genderless place.

People are often surprised. I stand up on stages all over the place it, and I say that, you know, NPA is not a results oriented process. They're like, yeah, but I want to fix the stuff. But it's not, I understand it. It's just, it's playing its part in the bigger picture of things. When anyone comes to me, they've done stuff in the past, which might not be NPA. Oh my goodness. [inaudible] Put them in place where right now at this time, NPA is, is, is there to meet them and do the next bit. And I know what that next bit is, you know, but it will do its bit and then they'll move on to whatever's next with hailing or whatever's going on with them. You know, it actually takes tremendous humility to, to come from a genderless place. I mean, you've got to really admit that.

You don't know. No one really knows. No one knows nothing. But also with that, I've got to say, but, but the signs for the next step always there. That's the beauty of agenderlessness. It makes you available. In fact, agenderlessness as an embodied state is a state of weighting of witnessing. And it's of action because again, within a agenderlessness, there's the willingness, the, in that moment, if you follow the energy, it's going to go into massive action or it's going to have a strong opinion. But you have to have that backdrop of a gentleness. The agenderlessness for it have its full power. So I'm, I'm reminded of of Charlotte's a Charlotte is Charlotte's, she's a wonderful person who's been a client of mine. She's a friend. She's an active part of the NPA community and she does our own wonderful work in, well, I've mentioned it before on the podcast.

She does work with expected moms and empowers them to have their own their own powerful experience of their birthing experience. You can find out birth essence.co. Dot. UK. Shout out to you, Charlotte. But she said a lovely thing of me and it really highlights this. She kind of said to me, I love how you own your, don't knows, as she reminded me of times both again onstage in front of hundreds of people where I just don't know what's going to happen next. And I go, Oh, I don't know what's going to happen next, which is just my puppy, like expression of, Oh, I've got no agenda. And then I kind of wait, and then it just comes at you. Also saying how she's experienced that with me when she's been sort of in a one-to-one situation with me as a client of, you know, I've literally said, well, I don't know where this is going to go.

And then I wait and then it kind of, the answer just comes and I don't care whether it comes through me through the, through the client or just from some random place. It's like that availability and that unwillingness to go in the space, in the unknown zone to try and imprint some, some historic idea or pattern about what's going to happen. So that, that's kind of the, the genderless state. So in a way, my invitation to you is to be as a generalist as possible with your loved ones. Be an Explorer. It empowers them and be as a generalist with yourself as you can be. Remember that, you know, pressure creates resistance, which is not flow and flows going to get yourself, you know, where you want to go with a lot more ease. And you know, if you've got that kind of, I want it to be this way or it should be that way.

Instead sort of try giving track of this. Again, this is one of my favourites. It's, Hmm, I wonder, I love that. Hmm. I wonder it kind of invokes that agenda list state, you know, I wonder what's the best next moment gonna look like or what does the best next moment look like? And just go, Hmm, I wonder and then open and just let the answer find you. That isn't a generalist space. Now, if when you waiting for the answer to find you, you think it should be, I should discover a deep emotion or I should discover this or something. That's something that some therapeutic idea is told you is what the answer is. Then you an agenda and it's not gonna work. If you go, Hmm, I wonder and just be really wide open then the mysterious and Mack miraculous, we'll find you. Okay.

That's all a, and in the rad part of this that takes us today, D is for discernment. I love this one. Discernment. so the meaning of discernment is all the faculty of discerning is, is discrimination. It's it's acuteness of judgement and understanding. Okay. So again, interesting because those words are perfect examples because discrimination, you could take that as two meanings, a judgement . You could take it as two, two meanings. So discrimination really is like being able to discriminate between certain things and judgement here is having like good judgement about what is and what isn't. I mean, there are some synonyms for discernment too that I particularly like, I looked this up, it was penetration and insight. I think they're really powerful. I'll get to those, but, but think about discernment as having real insight and being able to sort of really penetrate the truth beneath the surface.

Because let's face it, things are not always what they seem. And sometimes they are. And in fact, it's the sort of, the art of discernment is being able to tell the difference between when things are not what they seem and, and, and, and when they are. Or to quote led Zeppelin, I was listening to led Zeppelin either day we're staring to heaven. And there's that wonderful line. There's a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure. Cause you know, sometimes words have two meanings or in many cases a lot more than two. So now most of the discernment that I like to focus on, for me it's about being clear on what's the sponsoring energy. You know, what's the energy behind the expression? Because the outward expression is really only part of the picture. And the fact that we haven't, we haven't valued or recognised discernment.

And we've just focused on the outer expression. I mean it's given, it's given power to a lot of bullshit performance. I mean, if you look, just look at the political stage right now, it's, it's a perfect example, but, but that whole paradigm where you know, these people in the place of power get up and act and lie and all the rest of it and they will, I said it so I must mean it. How can you accuse me of not meaning it? I said it, you know, it's, it's just rubbish. But that whole paradigm has been built on, on the dismissal level, or you're not honouring the gift of discernment. In fact, today I'm at, can I get my car fixed today? And we'll just get the brakes done. [inaudible], TMI getting, get my brakes done today. And I was driving back and I had 'em radio four, BBC radio four.

And I very rarely turn it on, but I think I just thought I'd pop it on. And they were talking about the world economic forum and it was a great example of this, cause I know you've heard, you probably have, I don't, I don't watch much TV or radio, so I had to look her up, agree to thunbergii. She's like a 17 year old Swedish environmental activist. And she was addressing the world economic forum, you know, all sort of really huge politicians, not as in fat, but as in the, the power players of politicians. They were, you know, sort of bank heads of bank and, and top business leaders. And she called them out. It was, she was like, she used the discernment and, and that's part of it. Calling people out is a part of action on discernment in those kinds of situations.

She said to them, you know, you say, we won't let you down. Don't be so pessimistic. And then silence. So you know, she's not buying the surface performance. She, you know, she's calling them out. And, and that is, she's an activist. So good on it. That's the active part. I mean, I remember there's, there's also Springs to mind is there's a, I don't know it's a movie or it's on Netflix, but I have a line in one of those things. And, and the, the character said, you're saying words that sound like caring, but it doesn't sound like you're caring, you know, that's pointing to, it's like, yeah, I can see the surface expression, but I'm recognising with my discernment that what's really happening underneath is not that. So that, that whole thing of being able to, to, to really notice that. And I think the thing I really want to get across here is, and part of discernment where it fits into being a brilliant human is first of all, knowing and then also knowing when to act and when not to act of course.

But that ability to S to or that invitation to stop denying what you know, when you know something's going on, call it out. Because that discernment factor in you is going, I see the surface. But what's happening underneath is not the same. At least check it out, double check. Of course we're all, we can all Ms. Reed. I'm not gonna deny that part of it, but it is a practise. And I'm a big fan of trusting your gut and really going with it, but certainly call it out. Check. and, and trust that part of you. Now there's also a factor of discernment, which is about going inside, so that, that penetration of yourself really, because it's also important to call yourself out on your own bullshit. Cause we, we, you know, just like the politicians, you know, we'll play to the gallery of ourselves and then we'll buy our own bullshit.

So part of the 70s discerning what's really going on in you. So just leave that one with you. Another part of the outer side is, is, is distinctions. I think distinction is, again, I'm a self responsible part of discernment. It's like you can do the discernment for people because again, words have two meanings or many meanings. So I offer make distinctions. You know, when I'm sharing stuff with you though, I often say, you know what I mean by that or what I mean when I say that is, I think that's a powerful thing is sort of a, as sort of a bonus tip in this section, if you like, cause those distinctions give clarity about meaning, which I think is so important, especially these days when there's so much, you know, there's a general meaning giving to something. Someone says it and then they get in trouble because maybe they didn't mean that, but that the meanings that, that are being interpreted to it or given to it I guess it did bad.

So I think it's important to, to clarify what you mean when you say something. All right. So that's discernment. So that's the rad part. So let's go onto the walk part. Shall we [inaudible] okay. Onto the walk then. So walk w a L K start with w to w is for wholeness. Now I have talked a lot about wholeness because it really was at the heart of the the series that I shared in, in episodes 13 to 16 about my manifesting manifestation system and the vision accelerator. And homeless was at the part of that and part of bringing wholeness into the systems of wholeness. Really, it covers many things in, I mean, in essence what I'm saying with wholeness is that we are many parts. We hold many perspectives. And it's back to relational because those parts have different perspectives and sometimes those perspectives can seem opposite or contrary.

So homeless is a, is a mindset where you can hold all the disparate parts as one in unity and yet their individuality, but allow the whole of you so in, in NPA, non personal awareness, and I can I cover this in episodes 13 to 16 to some degree. Anyway, it was, I, I call it the multiple perspectives model. I break it down in terms of sort of your human experience. Sort of, I put it into three three perspectives that are really alive and most perspectives come underneath that. But it's, there's your being, your soul and your personality. Now the soul, again, distinctions, example of the soul isn't necessarily the soul as it may mean to you because that's, that's a word that has so many meanings. So when I talk about it in detail, the soul for example is the part of this interested in evolution over time?

It's as simple as that. The being is a sense of that vastness, that perfection of the now and the personality is that sort of coal face of humanity stuff that you know, is, is my passion and love to, to embrace. And you know, again, personality is a word. Often it's people think always at the same as the ego. In a sense. It is, I don't like the word ego because the very thing is because much of the spiritual movement or the modern spiritual movement is about getting rid of actually an ancient, it's about getting rid of your ego. Well, good luck with that. As I've said many times, it sets up more. It doesn't allow the personality. I'm a big fan of, you know, I say Polish your personality, you know, mature. That's what growth is there to do, but don't eradicate it. It's, it's the, it's the, the front end expression of who you are in this world and it has a valid perspective in the whole, each piece of you matters, including that, that puppy personality that you have, you know, when it's, which can be badly behaved and well-behaved as most puppies can be.

It can, I use the puppet analogy because I like to bring you know, a sense of softness to, to our view of it. So in terms of how that works in wholeness or to give you sort of a, a way to look at it? I, I like to think in terms of a dance rather than absolutes. Absolutes is, is either or, you know, either I need to be enlightened or I'm an ego, you know, that's, that's an either or perspective which is going to set up all of that friction and fight and conflict on some deep level. It's just going to be there. Whereas really those parts that, that those are kind of dance partners really. And in a, in a dance, you know, each, each dancer plays its part. Each dancer takes their turn, you know, and, and has their role to play.

You know, if there are three dancers in a, in a modern dance on a stage, you know, maybe one is more the style than the others or the focus of it, but it, but that one needs the others to complete the whole piece. And that's very much how we are. So I want to think more in terms of what is the dance of those aspects of me. And that's in a way where discernment comes in because it really is about different contexts often say there's no truth without context, it's different circumstances. You know, one part of you is going to be more appropriate to sort of take the lead than the others. You know, each, each perspective will have a context where it's the most appropriate and discernment great there because it can help you to, to learn to sermon. And the next one, which is the eight the second day, are really powerful allies in, in sort of becoming really aware of, of where each part of you fits in the expression part of the whole.

But all of them are there. The homeless mindset says they're all there, they're all available. And in a sense they are all equal. And this can also work in terms of how you perceive humanity. I mean each individual PO, you know, each human being is an individual as an individual is part of the whole of humanity. I know there's a lot of unity ideas, again in the more modern spiritual dogma, but it again, becoming discerning about what, what the implications are implied. Stuff around that is often it, it's really about, yes, we're all warm. Eradicates the individuality so that the unity on speaking of is more about harmony. It's about coming into alignment. And it's the same with, with, you know, you as an individual with you and other humans or playing their part or having a unique and valid perspective as part of the whole human being and beyond the human, you know, each species, you know, there's individuals within the species, but there's also the species themselves playing its part in the whole.

So having that homeless perspective just keeps that in mind. And if you take any unit, you know, any unit as in like you and your family, you know, the workplace, humanity as a whole, you know, it's going to have parts, even parts within you are going to have parts, you know but take any unit within that, it's going to have part. So when you get the parts individually acknowledged and in harmony with others, then you have a wholeness state, then you have a homeless perspective and that gives you power, which I talked a lot about as I said in episode 13 to 16. So if you want more in depth, especially on the multiple perspectives it's specially what would it be? 13, 14, 15 it'd be number 15 in particular. I talked about time and the relationship to time. I think that's the one anyway, those, those ones, see this is cause I'm off script loving myself.

I didn't write everything down. So yeah, go to those episodes. There's a lot about wholeness in them. All right, so w a L K we're on to a, a is for animation. So animation is, is a word that I deliberately chose to include as part of the non personal awareness philosophies when I shared them. It's again, it's one of those interesting things where the word itself kind of just came to me that I looked it up and realised why, you know, the university offered me that word. It's kind of a big concept. And I use it in different ways. If you've heard it in different contexts, I'll try and cover those, especially in relation to, to NPA, the process. But animation, you know, it comes from the word animated. I used to make little flip books when I was a kid. You know, where you take a pad and then in each corner you do a little stick man and then slightly different, and then you'd, you flick it with your thumb and it would make it move.

It was like magic. That's how cartoons are made. They're still frames that, you know, if you move them quickly, if they are, you know, if you move through them, then it change appears to happen. So it comes to the word animated. And also I think in terms of, of animals, there's anima and animus, the male and female principles, which is about the animating spirit. And that's, that's really the, the essence of animation. It's, it's the idea that we're being moved. We even being breathed by the divine. And so let me just say, just take a breath. Take that in. We're being moved. I really subscribed to the idea that everything is moved by something bigger than ourselves. Ultimately by the totality of the divine God, the universe, all the different labels you can give to, to, to that consciousness, that intelligence is working through us.

You know, all the inspiration comes from there. It's the source of all things and it's the source of all change is the source of where all of us are animated. We are animated. Even if we go to the, the ideas of, of soul, how you know, there's, you know, when you die the soul leaves you and there's just a body. It's not animated, there's no spirit in it. So the, the, the big concept is the animation. We are being moved, we are being breathed. But the question then goes, so, so what's moved when and how by the divine. Okay, so where the question that's really useful, it's where is the spirit already moving? Because if you align yourself with that, you are aligning yourself with the divine. You are aligning yourself with where the divine life is happening. So if we look at the NPA process and how I, how I share that and teach that, I always say look for the animation or I even say one of the, you know, you're part of around NPA tool, you'll hear me say animation is King because it speaks to that intuitive capacity to sort of to notice God.

So how that fits in and it's quite a good way to describe what I mean by an animation. So the way that the MK process works, I mean if you haven't already downloaded it, go get it. It's just MPA for.me/mph sheet or just going to be able to inhuman.com and you'll see links all over there. But get going. Get hold of, the way it works is it starts with what I call a spew. Someone just expresses themselves as naturally as they are and what you're looking for in that is what naturally pops out as what pops out. So within the, the noise of the expression within that, there'll be something that pops out to you. That's the simplest way I've, I know to, to teach everything you need to know about animation because it's as simple when you get out of the way, just that pops out.

We've got no agenda. Then you're going to say it's maybe it doesn't fit my previous therapeutic knowledge, but it popped out so I don't care. I'm just going to go, well that popped out to me. And then whatever pops out, it's normally a word or a phrase or it might be a gesture that goes into the process, which you'll see when you download the process sheet. You say the words and, and it shifts the relationship to whatever that energy is. And that's why it's so powerful. So in a way, what you're doing there is you're noticing within the expression where God is waving at you, where the spirit is, where it's already moving. It's how you notice the ripe fruit, which is ready to drop. You know, who's in charge of making the fruit ripe and ready to drop? Well, you could say it's God's in charge of that.

And of course there's parts that isn't there. There's the sun, there's the environment, there's the weather, there's all those parts, all those mechanical things that have gone to, to make it happen. But when the, when the fruits, right bets ripe, that's it, it's ready to drop. And if you're there waiting for it with your hand underneath it, it makes it really easy. And in terms of doing MPA, that's where animation comes in. And in a way that the scale of animation, because really my invitation to you is to just really embrace that. I mean, and doing MPA training and practising MPA. I mean there's, it's a secondary gain that just comes along. It teaches you the skill of noticing what's animated. UI mean, in a sense, to be fair, it really takes all the previous, as I kind of intimated or the previous perspective, so they understand that it's relational to be a generalist, to be discerning and, and come from a place of wholeness to, to sort of fully master this for life.

But by practising the MK process, what it does, it wakes up the perspective of animation within you. So you begin to notice what's animated in your life and therefore can notice the signs that are there leading you through the next natural steps. If you take in a jangling, Snus and all the rest of it into account. So that's animation. W a L. K, we're up to L. By the way, you know, I'm sharing some big stuff here. So as ever, you just maybe want to ask me questions, clarify things, offer some feedback during perspectives. Do you remember? You can always, you can leave me a voice message you get, but paper of human.com just hit leave a message. You can email me, you can come in on social media. It's always a post out that relates to each episode on MPA rocks. That's in Facebook, Facebook slash NPA rock.

So go there. Alright. L L is for lightness. Ah, lightness. I love likeness. This is about holding things lightly. Be that the multiple perspectives or the outcomes does live itself. Likeness is such a great balm. So I guess this is going to be a simple one. Just let's not take ourselves so seriously. I mean, if you've ever had any experience of direct contact with the divine, you'll know that the divine is a big smile. I love, there's that phrase in there. You know, where there's laughter, there's God where there's seriousness, run, run, that's always spoken to me. And he'd say, well, you can tell from where I am on this podcast. I do laugh a lot. And let's know that laughing ads, laughing with the ridiculousness, the magical, the mystical, the, the wonderful divine silliness of this wonderful, serious, deep, beautiful life that we live.

Which really, I mean, I have to acknowledge, I mean, of course there's tough and dark times in life that that's, that's part of it. So in those times, I think that's having lightness as one of these pillars. One of these power perspectives. It just asks you to be as available to likeness, you know, that you can be in those times it's, it's truly, truly powerful. All right, which brings us to the last one, which is K and K is for kindness. Now I have a mantra that I've used for many years. It's kind of I guess it's a, a rather a check that I asked myself, which is, is it kind? Is it useful? Now the useful part just brings the practical aspect in, but is it kind is really important to me. So if I'm sharing a perspective offering advice, getting back to that you know, whatever I'm doing, I'm going to ask myself is it kind?

And, and if it isn't then, then that's going to be a veto moment for me. You know? See kindness is like, it's like the softness of the heart, I mean, and its true form and it's, and it's, and we'll get to that. The true form invokes some of the highest States of being that you can experience as a human being in my opinion. But there is a lot of local pho, kindness or false kindness. It's based on duty. So much in our culture is sort of, you know, said you have to be kind or you're bad. It's like hello, it doesn't work. We're back to pressure and agenda. So, so we have a lot of false kindness. It's based on the idea of duty or at least when duty like is a chore that goes against your personal truth. That is not where their kindness was.

It doesn't include you. I'm, I'm so passionate about this. I'm passionate about self directed kindness because kindness starts with you when you're, when you're kind to you, the kindness that you express to others comes from wholeness. So it has power. So I even wrote an ebook about it, right? I called it a hundred days of self directed kindness. I know I've mentioned it before and some of the episodes and you can download it for free. You just go to NPA for.me. You get used to that slash be kind to you. And that if I recall is all lower case be kind and then two is the number and then you again, the lower case. And again, I'm pretty sure if you're going to be able to human.com you'll find links to it and I will definitely include that in the show notes again.

https://www.beabrillianthuman.Com/17 if you want to get your hands on that.

It's funny, it came out of Twitter in the early days of Twitter and I was doing a series of tweets, a hundred tweets of be kind to you, which I put together as recently book. So you can practise a hundred days of kindness or just little invitations of ways you can be kind to you every day for a hundred days, which is a wonderful thing. So I do, I encourage you to ask that question. Is it kind to me? So let's say for example, you bring in around with you honey. The dust hasn't settled and you've got that urge to make it okay, right? It's sort of arises in your honour to make this okay and UT right or at least habit or maybe avoiding dating with the emotions you've got to check. Is that really kind to you? So you know, if there's there, maybe there's more that more time needed or there's more that needs to be said or, or more that needs to be heard.

If that's the case, then chances are if you really ask us that question with openness, without an agenda, chances are it's not going to be kind to you to, to sort of circumvent that and try and then reach out and make peace when it's, you're not there yet or to, or to console or whatever the thing is that's going on in that route. So, and when you think about it, you know, it wouldn't be kind to them because it's not your whole hearted truth. Right. I mean in many ways self directed kindness. I mean, it's a, it's also a root to healthy boundaries. You know, along with sermon, I mean, getting clear on what works and what doesn't work for you is in a way is it's funny at what's kind and what's not kind to you. I mean, it's a very high form of honesty.

Boundaries are a high form of honesty, kindness, true kindness is, is about honesty. I mean it's a kindness to yourself and to others because if you, if you take not having a boundary, you take not being kind to you. Again, it comes back to that you're not really giving them you in truth and in wholeness. And on boundary bootcamp I'm getting rather excited about boundary boot camp because if you don't know, I ran bounty bootcamp last may and we're coming into spring. So right now the car is closed or is not open to people. I'm gonna open it again in spring. If you're interested in that, you can get on the wait list so you can, I'll let you know when we're coming up to that. Which again, MPA four, that's number four. Dot me slash boundary bootcamp with capitals on both B's.

And again, you'll find the wait list at paper, human.com. So yeah, be kind to you be kind, include yourself in that equation of kindness. Ask yourself that question. Is it kind? To me, it's very, very powerful and that will also help you again with boundary checks if that's something that's an issue for you. All right, good Lord. I waffled a lot when I'm not, haven't got a script and I 20 minutes for each section. Go to love it. All an experiment. I've enjoyed that. I'm going to do a quick Roundup then. So let's take a breath and do the Roundup.


Alright, so I'm having a quick thing while I was on that little pause and wondering, have I killed the magic telling you that I've been using a script, but I've always wanted to know. I always watched the the extra bits on the, on the film. We used to have DVDs and videos. I'd always watched the extra features. I want to know what's going on behind the scenes. Yes, they've been carefully crafted and for the most part, I've, I've stuck to what I've written down and offered that to you but not so today I have bunch of bullet points, my friend. All right, so let's do the Roundup. So rad walk. The seven power perspectives are relational. Think relationally. Don't try to get rid of the stuff. Shift your relationship to it. A for a generalist, be a generalist, be an Explorer.

Let yourself wander as in not explore that wanders around the Hills for many a day. But Hmm, I wonder day for discerning, be discerning, learn to recognise the energy behind the form and respond to that. And then H and H H for wholeness, we get into, well in a minute I'd say definitely for wholeness, be mindful of wholeness. That means it's a honour. The different parts, the parts of you, the parts of the world and the downs that they play as part of something bigger. A is for animation. Notice the animation, practise the art of noticing where and what the spirit is moving. Align with that and you align with the divine Ella for lightness. Well like now hold things lightly, be playful. I hope I model that.

And then the final one,K is kindness. Be kind to you. Ask, is it kind and include yourself in the equation of kindness. So I hope those seven power perspectives have opened your eyes, perhaps confirmed what you already thought, reminded you of them. Give me something to think about. As I say, if you take just one of them and run with it and really give yourself to it for awhile, I'm sure it will make a difference in your life. In any case. Thank you so much for being here. I so appreciate you spending this time with me listening to my pontifications. I do hope it's third. You touched you, given you some perspective that helps you sort of up your game in some way. Of course, I would always love to get your feedback. Message me all the ways that I've already described.

If you'd like to work with me one to one in that relational way, then you can get hold of or find out how that works at Joel young, npa.com/sessions and also of course there'll be links to that on PayPal, inhuman.com. Do you subscribe? I'd love a review if you're on somewhere like iTunes or anywhere that has a review capability, give me a review. Tell me how wonderful I am. I need to be adults as my personality. So a, an honest review would be good. And and also again, if you've enjoyed this episode or any of the episodes, please share them. It's easy to share them on social media. You can either go to the actual, just just share via brilliant human.com that's a great way to start. Or if you like a particular episode is an episode, you think, Oh, that would really help such and such. Or I'd like to share that with my folks. Then just use the link Uber and human.com/whatever the episode number is, which should be easy with only 17 episodes to find if you don't know the answer already. So again, thank you so, so much. All that remains. As you know, by now, if you're a regular listener, listener is to...

Cue the moo…



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The NPA Process Sheet

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