Have you ever had a thought along the lines of...
"If only I had received more A/B/C when I was a kid... then life would be so much easier!"?
Well you wouldn't be alone and, if you're listening to this podcast, it's unlikely you feel you had a perfect childhood.
There's a LOT of good in the idea of healing the inner child, but there's also a lot of ways where that medicine can become the poison (or at least we can get stuck and/or debilitated by some of the ideas around it)
So in this episode we're going to a look at where you might be getting stuck or being disempowered in relation to healing your inner child.
Plus I'll share my perspective on the power of self-parenting and how it can accelerate your inner child healing and set you free.
I'll also give you 3 powerful exercises so you can put this into action today!
So hit that play button and let's dive into it!
Symptoms of Inner Cild Healing Stuck-ness/Disempowerment
Which leads to...
Examples of Issues That May Be Inner Child Related
Parenting Yourself
Write a letter from your parent that says all the things you needed to hear
Have a conversation between your younger self and your parent that is able to say all the things you needed to hear
Use The NPA Process to access and experience the parental energy that the child energy needs
If you'd like some expert support as you undergo this process (especially if you're having a hard time accessing the 'positive' aspects of your parents) then reach out and let me help you.
You can check out my session details and even set up a quick chat with me: Get in touch and let's have a chat about some 1:1 sessions with me.
Episode 88 Self-Parenting was one of 7 contemplations in this episode. You can get the other 6 if you LISTEN HERE
Episode 36 Looks more at the idea of forgiveness, and specifically soe inner work on forgiving yourself LISTEN HERE
Episode 27 With a little adaptation this powerful exercise can also be used to aid self-parenting. Plus there's a comprehensive free download to go along with this mini-training: LISTEN HERE
For in-depth training on how to live the resistance-free way, find out more and jump in to The NPA Process: Advanced Training
Click image to get The NPA Process Sheet for free 👆🏻
Are you at loggerheads with a partner, spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend or colleague?Join the challenge and free the logjam. Break the cycle of frustration and feel the relief of forward movement again!
Click the button below for 5 powerful days that will release your relational logjam:
Genius changemakers, coaches and wellbeing practitioners all have one thing in common:
They get out of their own way and let the magic happen through them.
No agenda, no resistance and no limiting self-consciousness in the healing space.
It seems like a gift; innate and reserved for the chosen ones... but the reality is, it's a skill.
In this training, you will uncover that Mastery in yourself.
Email me for a chat via [email protected].
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