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Are You Spending Your Energy Wisely? | BABH S1Ep91

season 1 Jun 29, 2021

EPISODE 91: Are You Spending Your Energy Wisely?

A lot of people I speak to describe how they're finding that the reward for their efforts are pants!

Whether it's in their business, their relationships, their health or healing journey or elsewhere; they end up feeling disheartened, frustrated and often straight-up burned out.

The idea of ROI (return on investment) isn't just about money. It's as true and as valid an equation when it comes to investing your energy.

In this episode I'm going to help you answer the question, "Are you spending your energy wisely?"

You'll discover:

  • The 3 main factors that cause people to make bad energy investment after bad energy investment.
  • That means you can avoid these pitfalls and start making decisions about where you invest your energy that work for you.

And I'll share:

  • The 4 steps that I've found can help you become an energy investment superstar.
  • So where you spend your energy creates a positive feedback loop.
  • Which means your actions stop draining you and start feeding you; moving you into a cycle of fulfilment, vitality and joy!

So hit that play button and let's get into it!


Cost vs Reward: The Symptoms of Energy Debt

  • Drained/tired
  • Resentful
  • Burned out
  • Feeling like a victim

Benefits of a Positive Energy Spiral (Good investment)

  • More energy/vitality
  • Feeling fulfilled
  • Feeling empowered
  • Sustainable action
  • Happiness, joy and wellbeing

The 3 Main Factors That Cause Repeated Bad Energy Investments

  1. Energy input not aligned
    • formulas, shoulds etc
  2. Unconscious motivations
    • The fantasy of returns vs the reality
    • Not getting clear on what you really want
    • Focusing on the 'middle man' outcome
    • Loyalty to bad investments
  3. Identity limitations
    • "It's just who I am!:"
    • Identity is the arch-controller; beliefs, emotions and behaviours follow
    • NPA works at an identity level (Download The NPA Process HERE)

4 Steps To Becoming An Energy Investment Superstar

  1. Wake up to what you're doing (become conscious of repeated bad investment behaviour)
    • Do an energy feedback audit
    • There's a great example of this in my Boundary Bootcamp programme
  2. Get real about what you really want
    • A matter of discernment
    • Cut out the middle man
  3. Address your limiting identities
    • NPA is a great tool for this
  4. Commit to the change
    • Commit to making better energy investments
    • Practice, practice, practice

Support Can Really Help: Let Me Help You

If you'd like some expert support as you undergo this process (especially if you're having a hard time shifting that sense of stuckness) then reach out and let me help you.

You can check out my session details and even set up a quick chat with me: Get in touch and let's have a chat about some 1:1 sessions with me


Episode 31 Will help you get aligned and find your mojo LISTEN HERE

Episode 26 Will help you find that happiness within; a great foundation for positive energy investments LISTEN HERE

Episode 5 When it comes to letting go of the habit of bad energy investments and committing to a new path, this episode will be a great support LISTEN HERE


Click image to get The NPA Process Sheet for free 👆🏻

For in-depth training on how to live the resistance-free way, find out more and jump in to The NPA Process: Advanced Training 

The #LoggerHeadsToLoverHearts 5 Day Challenge

Are you at loggerheads with a partner, spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend or colleague?Join the challenge and free the logjam. Break the cycle of frustration and feel the relief of forward movement again!

Click the button below for 5 powerful days that will release your relational logjam:

Click Here To Find Out More & Get Instant Access

NPA Mastery (The NPA Certified Practitioner Training)

Unlock Your Genius In Service To Your Clients

Genius changemakers, coaches and wellbeing practitioners all have one thing in common:

They get out of their own way and let the magic happen through them.
No agenda, no resistance and no limiting self-consciousness in the healing space.

It seems like a gift; innate and reserved for the chosen ones... but the reality is, it's a skill.

In this training, you will uncover that Mastery in yourself.

Click Here To Find Out More & Enrol

Email me for a chat via [email protected].

1:1 Sessions with Joel 👆🏻


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