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Receiving Love (Meditation And Satsang) | BABH S2Ep145

season 2 Oct 11, 2022

EPISODE 145: Receiving Love (Meditation And Satsang)

In this episode I’ve reached into the vaults and found a Satsang event I did in Spain back in 2011.

From that I’ve taken a meditation and a facilitation on receiving love when you’ve been pushing it away.

Please remember to only do the meditation in a safe environment… ie not driving or working heavy machinery 😏

So hit that play button and let’s dive in to it!

If you want the visuals, you can watch on YouTube HERE

Quick Links from this episode:


Time Stamps:

[0:00] Intro
[03:25] Meditation
[18:05] Satsang - Receiving Love
[30:58] Phone B-Roll
[32:09] The Harmony Equation
[33:42] Outro


Episode 115 Related to The Harmony Equation, The Conflict Series kicks off with inner conflictLISTEN HERE Make sure you also listen to PART 2 and PART 3.

Episode 108 A fast track to cultivating Spiritual maturity is through cultivating the witness, which is what episode 108 is all about: LISTEN HERE 

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It seems like a gift; innate and reserved for the chosen ones... but the reality is, it's a skill.

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