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How To Take Yourself Out Of Defence (And Back Into Connection) | BABH-S1Ep39

season 1 Jun 23, 2020

EPISODE 39: How To Take Yourself Out Of Defence (And Back Into Connection)

Have you ever been in a situation where you get triggered and become defensive?

That defensiveness seems to take over and the situation gets worse. Good communication goes down the pan, things spiral out of control,...

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The Dark Side of Pride | When Pride Stops You Getting What You Really Want | BABH S1Ep38

season 1 Jun 16, 2020

EPISODE 38: The Dark Side of Pride | When Pride Stops You Getting What You Really Want

Is pride secretly blocking you from getting what you want in life?

Have you ever heard yourself proclaim "I'm a giver, it's hard to ask for help", plus you secretly know that, even when it's offered, you...

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Pandemic Energy Patterns: What Can We Learn? | BABH S1Ep37

season 1 Jun 09, 2020

EPISODE 37: Pandemic Energy Patterns: What Can We Learn?

As we go through this extraordinary time on the planet, I've noticed there are recognisable phases and patterns playing out.

In this episode I'll be exploring these 'pandemic energy patterns' and offering my perspective in answer to the...

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How To Forgive Yourself | BABH S1Ep36

season 1 Jun 02, 2020

EPISODE 36: How To Forgive Yourself

Thank you to Joyce Clement from Canada for sending me a voice message and asking me about self-forgiveness, which inspired this episode.

In this episode we look at the challenges of self-forgiveness and why it's so important to get there.

I cover:

  • How...
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Emotional Release with NPA | 3 People Transform Their Lockdown Issues | BABH S1Ep35

season 1 May 26, 2020

EPISODE 35: Emotional Release with NPA

Have you ever felt vulnerable and afraid to face the strong emotions that surface within you? Have you wondered how the heck you can face them and let them pass?
Have you been feeling like your battery has run low during lockdown and the usual way...
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Why Mastery Matters and How To Achieve It | BABH-S1Ep34

season 1 May 19, 2020

EPISODE 34: Why Mastery Matters and How To Achieve It

In this episode I take a look at the value and importance of mastery, how it relates to fulfilment and offer my guide to the path of mastery. We also look at the importance of understanding mastery when it comes to choosing who you get help...

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How To Handle Uncertainty And Flow Forward | BABH S1Ep33

season 1 May 12, 2020

EPISODE 33: How To Handle Uncertainty And Flow Forward

As the world starts figuring out how we all come out of lockdown, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the air and a sense of panic and stress as questions are left unanswered.

The thing is, life is filled with change and newness, so...

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Taking Off The Mask & Embracing Your Flaws | BABH S1Ep32

season 1 May 05, 2020

EPISODE 32: Taking Off The Mask & Embracing Your Flaws

This episode is a bit of a confessional as I share how I realised I had been wearing a mask, and how dropping it is setting me free.

It's an encouragement to you to examine where you wear a mask to cover up a self-perceived flaw....

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How Do I Stay Motivated In Lockdown? | 3 Ways To Find Your Congruent Why | BABH S1Ep31

season 1 Apr 28, 2020

EPISODE 31: How Do I Stay Motivated In Lockdown? | 3 Ways To Find Your Congruent Why

I’ve been hearing from a lot of people how the lockdown days are rolling into one and it’s hard not to melt into a dirge - I’ve certainly felt that way at times over the last few weeks!


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Rise & Shine (Every Day Is A New Day) | Kim Oā€™Neill Guest Podcast | BABH S1Ep30

season 1 Apr 21, 2020

EPISODE 30: Rise & Shine (Every Day Is A New Day) | Kim O’Neill Guest Podcast [FUN!!!]

Over the last 3 episodes we’ve been diving deep into some pretty full on topics and I’ve invited you to roll your sleeves up with transformational exercises and self-inquiry…...

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